About SallyBot

SallyBot is committed to helping users get the most out of Intellifluence. By helping brands create campaigns, providing unparalleled customer service and offering useful advice, nothing makes SallyBot happier than hearing she is liked… Really, really liked.

How to Create the Best Content Marketing Strategy for Your Niche

By |2020-06-08T22:07:13+00:00January 3rd, 2020|

Content marketing can serve as a valuable lead generation tool for your brand. Content comes in all shapes and sizes, from 30-second videos to multi-chapter eBooks. While you may be tempted to jump in and start creating content to attract your target audience, there are processes that you need to [...]

How You can Become a Brand Ambassador

By |2020-12-30T21:11:39+00:00December 9th, 2019|

The internet is full of bloggers and influencers who promote products and services in order to increase brand awareness and sales. While it might seem like a fun job (and many influencers will tell you that it is), there's a lot of work that goes into building a following and [...]

5 Lifestyle Bloggers You Need to Follow in 2019

By |2020-07-02T20:03:55+00:00December 4th, 2019|

There are many blogs within the lifestyle niche, but a few stand out above the rest. These are bloggers who create unique content and connect with fans through their helpful advice and ideas. It's possible to learn how to develop your own blog voice and identify top bloggers to partner [...]

How to Create an Awesome Hashtag for Your Brand

By |2020-06-08T22:20:14+00:00November 25th, 2019|

Hashtags serve as a way to communicate across the web. A simple phrase can connect people from different sides of the globe under one message. From the #ShareaCoke tag to the #IceBucketChallenge, thousands of people can immediately understand the message with just a few words. Creating a hashtag for your [...]

What is Content Syndication?

By |2020-06-08T22:20:18+00:00November 22nd, 2019|

Bloggers and thought leaders must get their names out there in order to grow their brands. A familiar name can help you land more clients, get accepted to speak at more conferences, and increase your overall status in your industry. While some people in your niche likely already have massive [...]

How to get Sponsored by Brands: A Guide to Becoming an Influencer

By |2020-12-14T23:56:04+00:00November 21st, 2019|

As your social media presence grows, you may consider moving from a personal account to a public influencer presence. Social media influencers monetize their accounts by tapping into their large, highly-engaged audiences. As more brands look to engage micro-influencers, more bloggers and internet personalities are taking steps to get noticed. [...]

Why You Should Cleanse Your Account of Ghost Followers

By |2020-12-15T00:00:34+00:00November 6th, 2019|

Social media influencers know their follower count plays an important role in their ability to attract advertisers. Some brands will only work with influencers who have certain follower levels, and many people try to grow their accounts to attract higher-paying companies. However, more brands are focusing on quality over quantity. [...]

How to Collaborate with Brands as a Blogger

By |2020-12-14T23:54:57+00:00October 29th, 2019|

As your blog continues to grow, you begin to monetize it with ads, paid sponsorships, and collaborations with brands. While this is an exciting time as your hard work starts to pay off, it can be hard to find brands to work with. Follow this guide to find brands that [...]

What are the Best Social Media Platforms for Marketing in 2019?

By |2020-06-08T22:21:03+00:00October 1st, 2019|

Throughout the day, your customers click, comment, share, and post. They are highly active on a variety of social media platforms, each differing based on their behavior and interests. With all of this sharing and networking going on, it can be hard for brands to keep up! Let's review the [...]

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